Appearance and Character
If you go for a walk with a Norfolk Terrier on the lead, hardly any passer-by will think that it could be a pedigree dog. “But that’s a nice mongrel” and similar comments will be heard. Other descriptions are, for example: cross between a brushwood broom and four kilos of quick-knit wool, pocket tiger, stovepipe cleaner, wild-eyed hand brush, scrubber without style… I’m sure Norfolk or Norwich Terrier owners can add many more to these descriptions. If you have several of these animals with you, passers-by become more cautious – two could be a coincidence, but three are obviously a breed, because there are probably not that many nice coincidences at once! Perhaps it is their relatively inconspicuous, natural appearance that makes these dogs so endearing.
More important than their appearance, however, is the character of these dogs, and this is particularly emphasised in the breed standard. They are wiry, alert dogs with an even temperament and an extremely lovable character. They are pleasant to keep in the house and are characterised by their alertness. They are easy to train and can be taken anywhere due to their manageable size. An article by Elisabeth Matell from the Swedish magazine “Terrier Post” 2/1971 says: Norfolk Terriers have “personality plus”. At that time (1971) there were about 65 Norfolk Terriers in Sweden. The Norfolk Terrier deserves more attention.
The Norfolk Terrier, the little red one, as he is also called by many, is on the rise. The Norfolk is small enough to be carried under the arm or in a rucksack, but tough and robust enough to go on long walks or longer forest hikes. It is also one of the few terrier breeds that can be kept in a larger pack without scuffling, despite its “terrier spirit”. Even though he is easy to keep as a kennel dog, he develops a distinct personality when he is allowed to live in the house as a member of the family. However, he wants to be treated as a big dog and not as a small, fragile lap dog.
He is a robust dog, bred for a rough life and not meant to be a nice decoration in the corner of the sofa. He is very devoted and affectionate to his owner, intelligent and docile, always lively and ready for anything, whether it’s playing with children or chasing mice. There are no problems with their temperament. Fearful, nervous and snappy Norfolks are virtually unknown.
It is incomprehensible that he does not yet have more followers, as he would be a good alternative to the Cairn or Westie. He also gets on very well with other dogs and is well suited as a second dog to a larger breed. However, one should not believe that the breed is easy to breed, as the Norolk Terrier only has two puppies on average, even if it has happened that a bitch has had four (or more!). Note: in an American statistic, the average litter size of the Norfolk Terrier was 2.).
In short, the Norfolk Terrier is not for couch potatoes, nor is it a fashionable dog for strolling through the city shopping centre, but a real buddy for long walks through woods and fields, who goes through thick and thin with his master!
Here are a few links showing Norfolks doing tricks that they have learned through clicker training: